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Invite teachers and students to join your school on TYP

An access code is a short code that is used to identify the school and the type of account to create when registering a new user. Each school has it own access codes, one for teachers and a different one to be used by students. Any teacher, after regisering with TYP, has access to the access codes for their school.

All you need to do to give teachers and staff access to TYP is to provide them with the relecant access code. So, it is important that you share them only with members of your school and that the teacher access code in particular is only known amongst the teachers staff.

1. To find the access codes for your school look under the My Classes page:

2. Alternaively, go to School Info from the drop-down options on your profile. You will see Access Codes for teachers and students listed there:

3. Give the Access Code for teachers out first so that they have time to set up their classes and familiarise themselves with the system.

When giving out the access codes, remember to direct users to, and get them to complete the short registration process. Using an access code to sign up for TYP will require teachers to have a working email address to verify their account.

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